Hair is most important right now. It's spring, it's lovely outside, and it's HOT!! I mean, summertime-style hot! Hot means pools, pools means swimming, and for Black girls, swimming means at least an hour of washing, drying, styling, and straightening--unless you're natural. This Black girl loves the permed look, so natural is out of the question; although I am pretty sure it still takes a long time for natural girls to get their lovely lady locks back to normal after a swim, they just get to skip the straightening part. (Luckies.)
Since I've put the pink hair in my bangs and cut the rest of my hair short I've gotten a lot of compliments...mostly on the pink. I went about a week and a half looking like Goku, unsure of what the heck to do with my super short hair after it lost its "fresh from the salon" look. It wasn't pretty...but I seem to always need about a week to figure out what methods work best to deal with post-salon hair depression. The last time I removed my weave and went with my own hair for a while, my savior wound up being bobby pins. Since that style they've been scattered from Atlanta to Washington, DC, but I don't have need for them anymore. Thank you, oh bobby pin angels!!!
What saved me with my current style was remembering hair bandanas. The most ornery part of my short 'do was the middle where there were layers of long hair were supposed to go to the front and short hair stayed in back. Sometimes these wisps of long hair found their way to the back and gave me a weird Gollum look, for lack of a better description. I solved that with a bandana headband right across the middle. It even allowed me to try spiking the back in a more rock star, less roadkill sort of way.
And NOW, I'm craving pink again. Not just for my bangs, but all over! I'm going to blame my blossoming love for cherry blossoms (pink and white), mixed with my ever-growing love for Nicki Minaj's fierceness, and my unconditional love for the "late" Pinky Shear's ability to own the color and style so royally!
I've tackled the short hair and I'm excited to have it start growing healthier than it was before, hopefully. But this is not a style for swimming or profuse sweating. And while I've notices that long hair is quite sweat-inducing in its own way, I'll take the low-maintenance, high-style-possibilities route over short and sweet.
Now, the real question is HOW to do the pink! I want to keep my bang style, maybe a little lighter pink if I can find it. For the rest of my head, there are so many possibilities! I've managed to boil down to are these styles:
- Full braid extensions, half dark brown/half pink wrapped (ipukeglamour)
- Half dark brown braids with loose pink weave ends
- Braided extension/twists with pink braided/twisted into certain strands
- Straight up long weave with pink highlights (hairstyleideas)
That last one seems the easiest, but it's also requires a lot of maintenance when washing, etc. And it's pricey. Actually...they're all pricey, so let's just forget I said that without me actually deleting that line.
So what do YOU think? Of course, I'm eager to get this done ASAP, like Saturday morning! (It's Thursday now.) Spring deserves a cute look and I've been drooling over ponytails, pigtails, and cyber-dread updos all day. (Well, all day between getting all of my work done!) A work buddy actually suggested that I contact her mother, a stylist nearby, for braids since my amazing Hair Goddess doesn't do braids. She will, however, be redoing my relaxer and bangs tomorrow, and I'll more than likely stop by the beauty shop near her to find pink color options.
Hooray for hair! Gotta look cute when fighting aliens! Or at least try to blend in with their stellar style if they're civil!